The figure displays the event and sound settings window. Sounds are active only when operating in the oscilloscope or spectrum analyzer mode. Sounds may be useful when searching the set waveform, e.g. searching the circuit with voltage of 3.3 V.

Functionally, the window elements are divided into two groups - one group for one channel, and each group of the elements is divided into 3 subgroups, each one for one of the measured signal parameters (DC or AC component of voltage and signal frequency). For each measured parameter 3 events are provided: increase of parameter higher than set threshold, decrease of parameter lower than set threshold and approximation of parameter to set threshold. Threshold is set in the field positioned left of the name of the corresponding parameter. The sounds are set when clicking the relative dropdown list and selecting one of the standard sounds or pressing the relative button with open hard drive icon and selecting the necessary sound file. To listen to the selected sound it is necessary to press the corresponding button (positioned on the same bar with event name) with loudspeaker icon. All standard sounds are reproduced with the built in speakers, selected sound files are played when using the computer sound card, if any. To disable all sounds for the selected channel you need to press the Disable sounds button on the corresponding panel.

It is also necessary to note that when comparing the parameter with the set threshold there is a short delta, which allows reproducing sound ignoring the strict parameter value equality with threshold but within the short interval near threshold. For voltage the delta is determined as ±5% of the scale range of the measured channel, e.g. if for the channel A ±10 Volt/Screen is set and value Uconst = 3.3 V then sound will be reproduced if DC voltage component for the channel A is within 2.8…3.8 V. For frequency the delta is always DC and equal to ±20 Hz.


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